Modifica di Modulo:Citation/CS1/Utilities

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Riga 1: Riga 1:
local z = {
local z = {
error_cats_t = {}; -- for categorizing citations that contain errors
error_categories = {}; -- for categorizing citations that contain errors
error_ids_t = {}; -- list of error identifiers; used to prevent duplication of certain errors; local to this module
error_ids = {};
error_msgs_t = {}; -- sequence table of error messages
message_tail = {};
maint_cats_t = {}; -- for categorizing citations that aren't erroneous per se, but could use a little work
maintenance_cats = {}; -- for categorizing citations that aren't erroneous per se, but could use a little work
prop_cats_t = {}; -- for categorizing citations based on certain properties, language of source for instance
properties_cats = {}; -- for categorizing citations based on certain properties, language of source for instance
prop_keys_t = {}; -- for adding classes to the citation's <cite> tag

Riga 13: Riga 13:

local cfg; -- table of tables imported from selected Module:Citation/CS1/Configuration
local cfg; -- table of tables imported from selected Module:Citation/CS1/Configuration
--[[--------------------------< H A S _ A C C E P T _ A S _ W R I T T E N >------------------------------------
When <str> is wholly wrapped in accept-as-written markup, return <str> without markup and true; return <str> and false else
with allow_empty = false, <str> must have at least one character inside the markup
with allow_empty = true, <str> the markup frame can be empty like (()) to distinguish an empty template parameter from the specific condition "has no applicable value" in citation-context.
After further evaluation the two cases might be merged at a later stage, but should be kept separated for now.
local function has_accept_as_written (str, allow_empty)
local count;
if true == allow_empty then
str, count = str:gsub ('^%(%((.*)%)%)$', '%1'); -- allows (()) to be an empty set
str, count = str:gsub ('^%(%((.+)%)%)$', '%1');
return str, 0 ~= count;

Riga 42: Riga 64:
return false;
return false;
--[[--------------------------< H A S _ A C C E P T _ A S _ W R I T T E N >------------------------------------
When <str> is wholly wrapped in accept-as-written markup, return <str> without markup and true; return <str> and false else
with allow_empty = false, <str> must have at least one character inside the markup
with allow_empty = true, <str> the markup frame can be empty like (()) to distinguish an empty template parameter from the specific condition "has no applicable value" in citation-context.
After further evaluation the two cases might be merged at a later stage, but should be kept separated for now.
local function has_accept_as_written (str, allow_empty)
if not is_set (str) then
return str, false;
local count;
if true == allow_empty then
str, count = str:gsub ('^%(%((.*)%)%)$', '%1'); -- allows (()) to be an empty set
str, count = str:gsub ('^%(%((.+)%)%)$', '%1');
return str, 0 ~= count;

Riga 74: Riga 69:
--[[--------------------------< S U B S T I T U T E >----------------------------------------------------------
--[[--------------------------< S U B S T I T U T E >----------------------------------------------------------

Populates numbered arguments in a message string using an argument table. <args> may be a single string or a
Populates numbered arguments in a message string using an argument table.
sequence table of multiple strings.

Riga 86: Riga 80:
--[[--------------------------< E R R O R _ C O M M E N T >----------------------------------------------------
--[[--------------------------< E R R O R _ C O M M E N T >----------------------------------------------------

Wraps error messages with CSS markup according to the state of hidden. <content> may be a single string or a
Wraps error messages with CSS markup according to the state of hidden.
sequence table of multiple strings.

Riga 93: Riga 86:
local function error_comment (content, hidden)
local function error_comment (content, hidden)
return substitute (hidden and cfg.presentation['hidden-error'] or cfg.presentation['visible-error'], content);
return substitute (hidden and cfg.presentation['hidden-error'] or cfg.presentation['visible-error'], content);
--[[--------------------------< H Y P H E N _ T O _ D A S H >--------------------------------------------------
Converts a hyphen to a dash under certain conditions.  The hyphen must separate
like items; unlike items are returned unmodified.  These forms are modified:
letter - letter (A - B)
digit - digit (4-5)
digit separator digit - digit separator digit (4.1-4.5 or 4-1-4-5)
letterdigit - letterdigit (A1-A5) (an optional separator between letter and
digit is supported – a.1-a.5 or a-1-a-5)
digitletter - digitletter (5a - 5d) (an optional separator between letter and
digit is supported – 5.a-5.d or 5-a-5-d)
any other forms are returned unmodified.
str may be a comma- or semicolon-separated list
local function hyphen_to_dash (str)
if not is_set (str) then
return str;
local accept; -- boolean
str = str:gsub ("(%(%(.-%)%))", function(m) return m:gsub(",", ","):gsub(";", ";") end) -- replace commas and semicolons in accept-as-written markup with similar unicode characters so they'll be ignored during the split
str = str:gsub ('&[nm]dash;', {['&ndash;'] = '–', ['&mdash;'] = '—'}); -- replace &mdash; and &ndash; entities with their characters; semicolon mucks up the text.split
str = str:gsub ('&#45;', '-'); -- replace HTML numeric entity with hyphen character
str = str:gsub ('&nbsp;', ' '); -- replace &nbsp; entity with generic keyboard space character
local out = {};
local list = mw.text.split (str, '%s*[,;]%s*'); -- split str at comma or semicolon separators if there are any
for _, item in ipairs (list) do -- for each item in the list
item, accept = has_accept_as_written (item); -- remove accept-this-as-written markup when it wraps all of item
if not accept and mw.ustring.match (item, '^%w*[%.%-]?%w+%s*[%-–—]%s*%w*[%.%-]?%w+$') then -- if a hyphenated range or has endash or emdash separators
if item:match ('^%a+[%.%-]?%d+%s*%-%s*%a+[%.%-]?%d+$') or -- letterdigit hyphen letterdigit (optional separator between letter and digit)
item:match ('^%d+[%.%-]?%a+%s*%-%s*%d+[%.%-]?%a+$') or -- digitletter hyphen digitletter (optional separator between digit and letter)
item:match ('^%d+[%.%-]%d+%s*%-%s*%d+[%.%-]%d+$') or -- digit separator digit hyphen digit separator digit
item:match ('^%d+%s*%-%s*%d+$') or -- digit hyphen digit
item:match ('^%a+%s*%-%s*%a+$') then -- letter hyphen letter
item = item:gsub ('(%w*[%.%-]?%w+)%s*%-%s*(%w*[%.%-]?%w+)', '%1–%2'); -- replace hyphen, remove extraneous space characters
item = mw.ustring.gsub (item, '%s*[–—]%s*', '–'); -- for endash or emdash separated ranges, replace em with en, remove extraneous whitespace
table.insert (out, item); -- add the (possibly modified) item to the output table
local temp_str = ''; -- concatenate the output table into a comma separated string
temp_str, accept = has_accept_as_written (table.concat (out, ', ')); -- remove accept-this-as-written markup when it wraps all of concatenated out
if accept then
temp_str = has_accept_as_written (str); -- when global markup removed, return original str; do it this way to suppress boolean second return value
return temp_str:gsub(",", ","):gsub(";", ";");
return temp_str:gsub(",", ","):gsub(";", ";"); -- else, return assembled temp_str

Riga 177: Riga 110:
--[[--------------------------< S E T _ M E S S A G E >----------------------------------------------------------
--[[--------------------------< S E T _ M E S S A G E >----------------------------------------------------------

Sets an error message using the ~/Configuration error_conditions{} table along with arguments supplied in the function
Sets an error condition and returns the appropriate error message.  The actual placement of the error message in the output is
call, inserts the resulting message in z.error_msgs_t{} sequence table, and returns the error message.
the responsibility of the calling function.

<error_id> – key value for appropriate error handler in ~/Configuration error_conditions{} table
TODO: change z.error_categories and z.maintenance_cats to have the form cat_name = true; to avoid dups without having to have an extra cat
<arguments> – may be a single string or a sequence table of multiple strings to be subsititued into error_conditions[error_id].message
<raw> – boolean
true – causes this function to return the error message not wrapped in visible-error, hidden-error span tag;
returns error_conditions[error_id].hidden as a second return value
does not add message to z.error_msgs_t sequence table
false, nil – adds message wrapped in visible-error, hidden-error span tag to z.error_msgs_t
returns the error message wrapped in visible-error, hidden-error span tag; there is no second return value
<prefix> – string to be prepended to <message> -- TODO: remove support for these unused(?) arguments?
<suffix> – string to be appended to <message>
TODO: change z.error_cats_t and z.maint_cats_t to have the form cat_name = true?  this to avoid dups without having to have an extra table

local added_maint_cats = {} -- list of maintenance categories that have been added to z.maintenance_cats; TODO: figure out how to delete this table
local added_maint_cats = {} -- list of maintenance categories that have been added to z.maint_cats_t; TODO: figure out how to delete this table

local function set_message (error_id, arguments, raw, prefix, suffix)
local function set_message (error_id, arguments, raw, prefix, suffix)
Riga 208: Riga 129:
elseif is_set (error_state.category) then
elseif is_set (error_state.category) then
if error_state.message then -- when error_state.message defined, this is an error message
if error_state.message then -- when error_state.message defined, this is an error message
table.insert (z.error_cats_t, error_state.category);
table.insert (z.error_categories, error_state.category);
if not added_maint_cats[error_id] then
if not added_maint_cats[error_id] then
added_maint_cats[error_id] = true; -- note that we've added this category
added_maint_cats[error_id] = true; -- note that we've added this category
table.insert (z.maint_cats_t, substitute (error_state.category, arguments)); -- make cat name then add to table
table.insert (z.maintenance_cats, substitute (error_state.category, arguments)); -- make cat name then add to table
return; -- because no message, nothing more to do
return; -- because no message, nothing more to do
Riga 235: Riga 156:

z.error_ids_t[error_id] = true;
z.error_ids[error_id] = true;
if z.error_ids_t['err_citation_missing_title'] and -- if missing-title error already noted
if z.error_ids['err_citation_missing_title'] and -- if missing-title error already noted
in_array (error_id, {'err_bare_url_missing_title', 'err_trans_missing_title'}) then -- and this error is one of these
in_array (error_id, {'err_bare_url_missing_title', 'err_trans_missing_title'}) then -- and this error is one of these
return '', false; -- don't bother because one flavor of missing title is sufficient
return '', false; -- don't bother because one flavor of missing title is sufficient
Riga 243: Riga 164:
message = table.concat ({prefix, message, suffix});
message = table.concat ({prefix, message, suffix});

if true == raw then
if raw == true then
return message, error_state.hidden; -- return message not wrapped in visible-error, hidden-error span tag
return message, error_state.hidden;

message = error_comment (message, error_state.hidden); -- wrap message in visible-error, hidden-error span tag
return error_comment (message, error_state.hidden);
table.insert (z.error_msgs_t, message); -- add it to the messages sequence table
return message; -- and done; return value generally not used but is used as a flag in various functions of ~/Identifiers

Riga 280: Riga 199:

if is_set (args[alias]) then -- alias is in the template's argument list
if is_set (args[alias]) then -- alias is in the template's argument list
if value ~= nil and selected ~= alias then -- if we have already selected one of the aliases
if value ~= nil and selected ~= alias then -- if we have already selected one of the aliases
local skip;
local skip;
Riga 303: Riga 222:
--[[--------------------------< A D D _ M A I N T _ C A T >------------------------------------------------------
--[[--------------------------< A D D _ M A I N T _ C A T >------------------------------------------------------

Adds a category to z.maint_cats_t using names from the configuration file with additional text if any.
Adds a category to z.maintenance_cats using names from the configuration file with additional text if any.
To prevent duplication, the added_maint_cats table lists the categories by key that have been added to z.maint_cats_t.
To prevent duplication, the added_maint_cats table lists the categories by key that have been added to z.maintenance_cats.

Riga 311: Riga 230:
if not added_maint_cats [key] then
if not added_maint_cats [key] then
added_maint_cats [key] = true; -- note that we've added this category
added_maint_cats [key] = true; -- note that we've added this category
table.insert (z.maint_cats_t, substitute (cfg.maint_cats [key], arguments)); -- make name then add to table
table.insert (z.maintenance_cats, substitute (cfg.maint_cats [key], arguments)); -- make name then add to table
Riga 318: Riga 237:
--[[--------------------------< A D D _ P R O P _ C A T >--------------------------------------------------------
--[[--------------------------< A D D _ P R O P _ C A T >--------------------------------------------------------

Adds a category to z.prop_cats_t using names from the configuration file with additional text if any.
Adds a category to z.properties_cats using names from the configuration file with additional text if any.

foreign_lang_source and foreign_lang_source_2 keys have a language code appended to them so that multiple languages
foreign_lang_source and foreign_lang_source_2 keys have a language code appended to them so that multiple languages
Riga 327: Riga 246:

local added_prop_cats = {}; -- list of property categories that have been added to z.prop_cats_t
local added_prop_cats = {}; -- list of property categories that have been added to z.properties_cats

local function add_prop_cat (key, arguments, key_modifier)
local function add_prop_cat (key, arguments)
local key_modified = key .. ((key_modifier and key_modifier) or ''); -- modify <key> with <key_modifier> if present and not nil
if not added_prop_cats [key] then
added_prop_cats [key] = true; -- note that we've added this category
if not added_prop_cats [key_modified] then
key = key:gsub ('(foreign_lang_source_?2?)%a%a%a?[%a%-]*', '%1'); -- strip lang code from keyname
added_prop_cats [key_modified] = true; -- note that we've added this category
table.insert (z.properties_cats, substitute (cfg.prop_cats [key], arguments)); -- make name then add to table
table.insert (z.prop_cats_t, substitute (cfg.prop_cats [key], arguments)); -- make name then add to table
table.insert (z.prop_keys_t, 'cs1-prop-' .. key); -- convert key to class for use in the citation's <cite> tag
Riga 356: Riga 273:
if str:sub (-1, -1) == "'" then str = str .. "<span></span>"; end
if str:sub (-1, -1) == "'" then str = str .. "<span></span>"; end
return str:gsub ('\n', ' '); -- Remove newlines as they break italics.
-- Remove newlines as they break italics.
return str:gsub ('\n', ' ');

Riga 447: Riga 366:
table.insert (error_list, wrap_style ('parameter', selected));
table.insert (error_list, wrap_style ('parameter', selected));
set_message (error_condition, {make_sep_list (#error_list, error_list)});
table.insert (z.message_tail, {set_message (error_condition, {make_sep_list (#error_list, error_list)}, true)});
Riga 532: Riga 451:
while true do
while true do
if argument:find ("'''''", 1, true) then -- bold italic (5)
if argument:find ("'''''", 1, true) then -- bold italic (5)
argument, flag = argument:gsub ("%'%'%'%'%'", ""); -- remove all instances of it
argument, flag = argument:gsub ("%'%'%'%'%'", ""); -- remove all instances of it
elseif argument:find ("''''", 1, true) then -- italic start and end without content (4)
elseif argument:find ("''''", 1, true) then -- italic start and end without content (4)
argument, flag=argument:gsub ("%'%'%'%'", "");
argument, flag=argument:gsub ("%'%'%'%'", "");
elseif argument:find ("'''", 1, true) then -- bold (3)
elseif argument:find ("'''", 1, true) then -- bold (3)
argument, flag=argument:gsub ("%'%'%'", "");
argument, flag=argument:gsub ("%'%'%'", "");
elseif argument:find ("''", 1, true) then -- italic (2)
elseif argument:find ("''", 1, true) then -- italic (2)
Riga 568: Riga 487:
error_comment = error_comment,
error_comment = error_comment,
has_accept_as_written = has_accept_as_written,
has_accept_as_written = has_accept_as_written,
hyphen_to_dash = hyphen_to_dash,
in_array = in_array,
in_array = in_array,
is_set = is_set,
is_set = is_set,
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