Modifica di Modulo:EditAtWikidata

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Riga 1: Riga 1:
-- Module to display an icon with a tooltip such as "Edit this at Wikidata".
-- Module to display an icon with a tooltip such as "Edit this at Wikidata".
-- Icon is linked to the Wikidata entry for the article where this is placed.
-- Icon will be linked to the Wikidata entry for the article where this is placed.
-- This message is only displayed if a local_parameter is not supplied
-- This message is only displayed if a local_parameter is not supplied
-- i.e. when called from a template, it can be coded not to display the message.
-- i.e. when called from a template, it can be coded not to display the message
-- when a local parameter is in use, preventing the value form Wikidata being fetched.
-- The qid of a Wikidata entry can optionally be supplied for testing outside the article.
-- The qid of a Wikidata entry can optionally be supplied for testing outside the article.
-- Usage:
-- Usage:
Riga 15: Riga 16:

local function trimToNil(text)
p.showMessage = function(frame)
-- Return trimmed non-empty text, or nil.
-- There may be a local parameter supplied, if it's blank, set it to nil
if type(text) == 'string' then
local local_parm =  mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or "")
return text:match('(%S.-)%s*$')
if local_parm and (local_parm == "") then local_parm = nil end
-- If there is a local parameter used, we don't want to display the message
if local_parm then return nil end
-- Can take a named parameter |qid which is the Wikidata ID for the article.
-- This will not normally be used except for testing outside the article.
local qid = frame.args.qid
if qid and (qid == "") then qid = nil end
-- The module can take a parameter pid=
-- which will create a link to that property in the Wikidata entry for the article
local propertyID = mw.text.trim( or "")
-- Get the object containing all the claims for the article
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(qid)
if entity then
local thisQid
if qid then thisQid = qid else thisQid = end
-- Named parameter nbsp allows replacing the leading space with  
local space
if frame.args.nbsp and (frame.args.nbsp ~= "") then
space = " "
space = " "

function p._showMessage(args)
local local_parm = trimToNil(args[1])
if local_parm then return "" end
-- Parameter qid=x specifies the Wikidata ID for the article.
-- This is not normally used except for testing outside the article.
local qid = trimToNil(args.qid) or mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage()
if qid and mw.wikibase.entityExists(qid) then
-- Parameter pid=x uses x as an anchor in the link to the Wikidata entry.
local anchor = trimToNil(
-- Parameter nbsp replaces the leading space with  
local space = trimToNil(args.nbsp) and " " or " "
space ..
space .. "[[File:OOjs UI icon edit-ltr-progressive.svg |frameless |text-top |10px |alt=" ..
"[[File:OOjs UI icon edit-ltr-progressive.svg|frameless|text-top|10px" ..
i18n.message ..
"|alt=" .. i18n.message ..
" |link=" ..
"|link=" .. qid ..
thisQid ..
(anchor and ("#" .. anchor) or "") ..
(propertyID == "" and "" or ("#" .. propertyID)) ..
"|class=noprint" ..
"|" .. i18n.message .. "]]"
"|" .. i18n.message ..
return ""
function p.showMessage(frame)
return p._showMessage(frame.args)

return p
return p
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